Family Caregiver Center of New Mexico

We Care for Those Who Care for Others

Family Caregiver Center of New Mexico supports the well-being of family caregivers through resources, respite, social connection, and mental health care. We provide services to those caring for adults 18 years and older.

Are you caring for someone with a serious illness or condition?

A family caregiver can be a spouse, partner, sibling, adult child, parent, chosen family, neighbor, or friend.

Family caregivers provide assistance with another person’s emotional or practical needs. This type of informal help can range from periodic phone calls and visits, meal prep, household chores, grocery shopping, and emotional support, to everyday assistance and responsibility for all personal care.

There is no one description of a caregiver, a caregiver's situation, or length of the caregiving journey.

How We See Things

So often caregivers seek and receive assistance for their loved one. At the Family Caregiver Center, we see things differently. We believe that providing direct and personalized support for family caregivers is essential. Through the breadth of our supportive services - we care for those who care for others